For the men and women engaged in today's critical process analysis, science calls for equal parts of imagination, skill and painstaking procedure.
Right First Time is the credo at Geofluid Processors. In an industry that is fraught with high rates of technological change, we bring a modicum of continuity. Separation science is our field of specialization and expertise. We design, engineer and manufacture systems for fluid separation in the Hydrocarbon, Coating Electronics Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Water Treatment industries.
Our Deliverable include providing state of the art engineering products & solutions in the field of fluid filtration, activated carbon, metering pumps as well as integrating these technologies into your process chain.
We hold the expertise of selecting the right product systems for the optimum effectiveness and efficiency. Our computer aided product selection systems helps customer find the right product for all application evaluating size, flow efficiency, media and other variable takes the guess work out of the process.
Today, Geofluid possesses enviable expertise in separation technology, experienced personnel, internationally acclaimed products, backed by consistent service.
We at Geofluid consider science as precious as life and not just a living.